Quality, Safety and Environmental Policy

February  25th, 2020

GRABYSUR Management recognizes the importance of Aerospace Safety and Quality in its products: HMI, illuminated panels, equipment and instruments for aircraft, as well as technical support, maintenance and repair services offered to its customers. Top management also recognizes the impact on the environment that comes with carrying out their activities. Therefore, our workforce is aware of the level of excellence required to achieve this vital goal: “Keep Quality, Safety and Environment at a high level”. This commitment is demonstrated in each of our strategic lines of action:

1)            To guarantee safety and quality of the product or service through compliance with all procedures, rules and safety and quality standards in all phases of project management.

2)            To guarantee the compliance with agreed deadlines while maintaining quality and safety levels established.

3)            To optimize and make sustainable use of resources by minimizing the impact on the environment while maintaining quality and safety of products and services.

4)            To enhance the experience of our professionals by developing their skills through a continuous training plan that emphasizes the importance of the human factor.

5)            To be dynamic in processes that allow to effectively meet the needs and expectations of our clients.

6)       Compliance with the legal requirements and other requirements applicable to GRABYSUR in environmental matters, as well as the reduction of significant environmental impacts and the consequent compliance with the proposed Quality, Safety and Environment objectives.

7)            Every employee of GRABYSUR is committed to product safety and ethical behavior that guarantees the communication of any finding that may affect safety and airworthiness without fear of suffering any punitive action for it, as well as any behavior that has a direct impact on safety and / or the environment.

8)            To keep an organizational structure that guarantees quality, safety and environment through continuous improvement.

9)            To walk through the Path of Excellence with Ethics, Responsibility and good work.

Fernando Besa
